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SOLUTION OF OIL ASPHALT WITH THE SOFTENING TEMPERATURE NOT LOWER THAN 80°С IN SPECIALLY SELECTED ORGANIC SOLVENTS Technical Specifications 5775-003-00287912-2005 It is meant for preparation of insulated surfaces (concrete slab, cementsandstrainer, etc.) before applying torch-applied and self-adhesive roofing and water proofing materials. APPLICATION METHOD: The ready primer should be carefully stirred. It is recommended to apply the primer onto the processed surface with capron brooms or brushes. By this application the primer is soaked by the surface, saturates and bonds it, providing reliable cohesion of the basis with the waterproofing coating. The primer is packed into metal or plastic hermetic containers(closed barrels, flasks, metal cans). The volume of containers filling is not more than 90%. Store in closed rooms, provided with supplyand-exhaust ventilation. The primer should be protected from moisture and direct sunbeams. By storage the layering of the primeris admitted.
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