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HI - Performance Syn. Enamel Paint Superior Durability Color Pigment System Easy To Apply By Brush , Roller And Spray PRODUCT PARAMETERS 1. Type : Single Pack 2. Composite : Modified Oil Based Resin with Finest Bright Pigments, Hydrocarbon solvent and addives 3. Use Recommended Thinner to make Applicaon Viscosity 4. Applicaon Tools : Brushing, Spraying or Roller 5. Flash off = 30 Minutes 6. Drying Time : Surface Dry : 4 Hours Hard Dry : Overnight 7. Curing Time : 72 hours 8. Over coang Interval : MIN : Overnight MAX : 5 Days 9. Color : Assorted Shades . Finish : 10 Smooth Finish 11 Thinner / Cleaner KISOMIN THINNER 12. Shelf Life: Up to 12 Months as long as the sealed containers are kept under cover in a dry place under normal temperature. SCOPE USES Kisomin durable synthec enamel are long lasng & solvent based paint used for wide range of surface. Recommended as a decorave finish coat & can be applied on surfaces like Metal, Cement Brickwork, Asbestos Grills and Wooden surfaces like doors, Windows, Cabinets & wide range of furniture FEATURES/ BENEFITS * Smooth durable finish. * Smooth flow & easy to apply. * Excellent coverage & hiding. * Superior surface protecon. KEY ATTRIBUTES * Applicaon temperatures : 10-44 degc PERFORMANCE PROPERTY Chemical Resistance A Exposures Splash & Mild Fumes/Outdoor Spillage Resistance cid + + Alkalis + + Solvent NA NA Salt ++ ++ Water +++ +++ Flexibility +++ Adhesion +++ Excellent : +++ Very Good : ++ Good : + SURFACE PREPARATION APPLICATION BRUSH CONVENTIONAL SPRAY NOTES : HEALTH & SAFETY Steel : Sand the surface with coarse Sand / water paper according to the type of surfaces to remove rust, dust & other foreign parcles. System of Coang should be selected depending upon the type of substrate. Wipe to clean the surface. Apply single coat primer & allow to dry. Re sand the surface with Sand paper & wipe to clean. Apply 2nd Coat of primer & allow drying for overnight. Before applicaon of paint, thin down to achieve desired viscosity & filter through white cloth. Apply Kisomin Paint to finish. Sr the base thoroughly and then mix to uniform consistency. Apply without thinning Add Kisomin thinner to adjust viscosity depending on spray condion. Use any standard equipment at an atomizing pressure of 3.5-4.5 kg/cm�². 1. Use off the mixed paint . 2. Do not apply when temperature falls below 10 C or rises above 50�°c and when relave humidity rises above 90%. Do not apply during rain, fog or mist 3. Brushes and spray equipment should be cleaned with Thinner, 4. Special care to be taken to close immediately the partly used Diluted Material. Please refer to the separate Material Safety Data Sheet available with detailed information