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Nordinkraft has continued with its innovative development of state-of-the-art NDT solutions despite the challenges of the Global Pandemic of 2020. We have now completed prototype testing of The SONAFLEX-MINI: a portable, multifunctional, Ultrasonic flaw detection and Non-Contact Wall Thickness Measuring Gauge. This new system will be available in the first quarter of 2021. Features: The device consists of a low profile, battery operated, compact electronics module and tablet PC. The SONAFLEX-Mini is fully wireless using Bluetooth and Wi-Fi communication. The full system is portable, with a convenient and customized Go-Bag to quickly answer needs in any field inspection requirement. The tablet PC is equipped with our sophisticated UT and positioning software with a convenient and easy to use HMI interface. Available UT-probes: EMAT probe for both wall thickness measurement and detection of flaws TOFD probes Conventional UT probes (angled beam probes, normal beam probes, RT-probes) 16-channels Phase Array probes Allows for A, B, C and S scans using our gyro single encoder for building B-scans and C-scans Main tasks: Precise Non-Contact wall-thickness measurement with up to 15mm lift-off! Weld Seam Inspection (UT TOFD, Phase Array, conventional angle beam and normal beam probes) Countless other industrial applications Test object temperature of up to +6500C. Reference dimensions and weight of SONAFLEX-MINI*: 250 mm x 250mm x 100mm (10â x 10 x 4) 3.9 kg with the battery. ( Entry level pricing is affordable for any NDT Services company to expand their value added NDT Services and receive a very rapid ROI. About company G2R Our company provides export services to Russian companies including manufacturers: Confectionery, food, agricultural products, clothing, industrial products and much more.If you are interested in products from Russia, we will be happy to help you. We do not charge commissions and do not include the cost of our services in the cost of production the government of the Russian Federation pays for our work. Our company is not engaged in the purchase or sale of goods, we act as a link between suppliers from the Russian Federation and buyers around the world.